Wednesday, March 23, 2011


I have made a lot of progress the past two days around the apartment!! Monday I woke up feeling bad (sinus/allergies) & didn't get much done (partly because Lilly had school, they both had tumbling & then Lilly had soccer). I actually felt worse yesterday, but I took some medicine & Mom/Dad came over & helped & we got a lot done. I woke up feeling better today (although I already had an appt & went to get some antibiotics cause I was pretty sure it was a sinus infection) & was able to get quite a bit done today as well. I only have a few big boxes left to unpack & then I have some smaller ones with decor/pic frames & photo albums, but I feel like it's getting there. I will of course have to organize & arrange it numerous times before I get it how I want it. I will post pictures once I get to that point....or close!!

Lilly had soccer practice again this afternoon (just her regular team practice). She did AMAZING!!! They played a practice game & she scored a goal. She was really out there hustling after the ball...I was SO PROUD OF HER!! Her first game is Saturday so I hope it goes well!!!

When I went to check on the kids before I came to lay down this is what I found.....

We never heard him fall, but it apparently didn't bother him! I
have another bedrail that works better guess I'll have to put
that one on there. (P.S.....his room is a work in progess)

1 comment:

Unknown said...

Cameron was standing over my shoulder as I was reading your post. When I scrolled down to Lance's picture, he belly laughed! Too funny! It looks like he not only fell out of bed, but done a few rolls across the floor as well! Priceless!