Saturday, February 12, 2011


Jeff had to work today, but we had his present, cards & cake waiting for him when he got home. Lilly decided that we should hide & when he came in the door shout "SURPRISE!" So we did that & they thought it was great. Jeff liked it too!!! They wanted him to open his presents right away!!
Cards from Bobbie, Kevin, & Taylor; Mary Lee & Trish. Thanks!!!

I took the kids to Old Navy. I wanted them to get him a wallet, but Lilly didn't like that idea.
After 45 mins. in Old Navy we ended up w/a new pair of shorts & t-shirts, a new button up, two new pair of flip-flops &  pair of underwear. Lilly was adament about the underwear....I have no idea why, but she REALLY wanted to get him a pair!!

He liked everything. I hope it all fits!!! Mom & Dad also stopped by &
brought him a new golf outfit (polo & khaki shorts). Now if it will warm up & he can actually
have time to go!

After relaxing for bit & getting cleaned up we headed it out to dinner. However, I wanted to
snap a few photos!!
Lilly took this one.

So of course Lance had to take one too!!

You can't tell they belong to him can you???

We had to take a family self-portrait....I think it turned out pretty good!!
Jeff really wanted Chinese. I eat Chinese but it's not my favorite. However,
the kids have never had it & I thought it would be a good idea to introduce
them to it.

I had them both try the chop sticks. Both agreed it was very hard!!!

After dinner we headed home for cake & movie night!!
They sang beautifully!!


After the kids ate cake (we were both too stuffed to eat yet) we watched The Lion King. They have never seen it & I was a little concerned, but they both really liked it!!

Even though he had to work I think Jeff had a Happy Birthday!

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