Friday, December 31, 2010

Happy New Year!!

Well, we all saw the ball drop, but we kinda cheated. (We celebrated when the ball drop in New York even though it was only 11 pm here). However, it's a good thing we did cause Lilly had done great, but had a small breakdown (she was exhausted). They were very excited to watch the ball drop & say Happy New Year.

I had put potato soup in the crock pot for dinner so we ate & spent the evening just playing games & having some family time. This is a heated game of Uno Moo!! Lance thought the best part was pushing the animals in the barn. He got a little violent at times....shocking I know!
A little Curious George memory....Lilly & I tied!!

Some puzzles!!

Snack on the which my children cheered about. Jeff says, "What kind of parents are we if are kids cheer about getting to eat on the floor?"

Lance starting getting cranky so it was movie time for him around 8:20. He changed his movie twice & managed to stay awake!

Getting ready for the ball to drop!

Lance played animal scramble. He did really good!!

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