Wednesday, July 6, 2016


We finished up Mardi Gras and basketball, had Jeff's bday, Valentine's day and Lance had his Wax Museum!

Lindley really started showing interest in learning.

We started going to the library for storytime.

She loved the art activities!

Lunch with my girl!

Then to the park!!

She loves to swing!!

So sweet. She loved having that time with just me!

Waiting for the game to start!

Smashed his own finger in the car door! Poor guy! Luckily it was just a bad bruise!

Look how long it's getting!!

More Mardi Gras fun!!

Lots of loot!


So cool!

Decorating while waiting for another parade!

they made out like bandits!!!

Because she's beautiful and I can't stand it!!!


75 point club!!! WHOHOO!!

Working on cutting and patterns.

So careful!

We also got a new friend!! The Callahan's added their newest member, Russell. He shares a birthday with Jeff and is precious!!

Lilly was so excited to meet him!!

Told Lance to hang up his shirt....this is what I got. It's inside out and sideways!

More library fun!

Dinner for Jeff's bday!!

Silly girl!

Silly boy!!!

There's our Larry Bird!! He did a great job at the wax museum!! We were so proud of him!!

Because we're silly!


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