Tuesday, January 26, 2016

Holiday Fun!

We had lots of fun leading up to Christmas.
Eli the elf....back to his antics...

Chilly day...needed her "muffins"

ROTTEN! Waiting on the parade..

Just one pic guys!

She's beautiful

Handsome boy!

He takes good care of her!

It was a fun parade and Santa came to town!


Lance got this Fairhope shirt at the parade!

Prob one of my favorite pictures of me and the kids EVER!

The things we do for our kids!

Lilly and her friends!


Bass Pro to see Santa!


Not too bad if Santa's eyes were open!

We had some yummy lunch to celebrate a successful day!

Sam's for samples and dinner!! A wild Saturday night!

They had a cart where the kids could make these reindeer! So cute!
Our first attempt to make a gingerbread house....didn't go so well, but we had fun!

This is about as good as it got!

Some more of Eli's crazy adventures this holiday season!!


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