Wednesday, June 4, 2014

10 year anniversary trip-phone pictures

About a year ago we decided we should take a trip for our 10 year anniversary. We rarely even celebrate it and aren't great about date nights. We have never left all three kids for more than a night or two when we were both working, even then they usually see Jeff. So we did it....we asked Grandma Trisha to come stay with the kids and went for it. We were back and forth on where to go. I wanted to relax, Jeff wanted adventure so we ended up with Universal Studios! We could spend time in the park, lay by the pool and do whatever we wanted!

Of course....Lindley wakes up throwing up on the day we leave. I didn't think much of it. They don't get sick often and it's usually nothing big. Well....I WAS WRONG!!! Just as they thought Lindley was getting better, Lilly started. Then Lance and Grandma Trisha. I felt so terrible cause there was nothing I could do. Luckily Lance and Lilly recovered fairly quickly. Lindley would do better and then get sick again. Grandma Trisha said she hadn't been that sick in 30 years. :-(

Despite worrying about everyone at home we had an AMAZING time. We were back and forth to the park, napped, slept late and enjoyed our evenings out. I even squeezed some pool time!!

We got to the hotel at a decent time and decided to head out to the parks just to check them out. We ended up riding a few rides and then grabbing some dinner at Pat O'Brien's....Jeff had a couple of their famous hurricanes....he was a happy man!

Our first full day we slept in and then headed to Universal. We saw George first thing!!

And Shaggy and Scooby!
Our first selfie of the trip!! Waiting for the Graveyard Mashup to start. (Jeff got to some good pics on the camera. These are all from my phone).



A pretty good picture of the Universal sign

Oh you know...just hanging by the pool!

We rode a water taxi to the parks from the hotel. This is the beach at the hotel.

Our hotel!

First night....Blue Man Group!! We saw them on our honeymoon and we so happy to see them again. What a great show!!

What a lovely view!
We got up early on our second day to do early entry into Island of Adventure. Jeff finally got to ride the Harry Potter ride (twice)!!

Hogwarts! We rode a few other things, but were both feeling tired so we went back to the room and took a nice loooooong nap!!! Then we woke up and decided to go ride the water rides before our anniversary dinner!!

We got a little wet!! The first ride really got Jeff. I wasn't too bad till the second one!
Then we got cleaned up and headed to dinner (at our hotel)

The waiter gave us complimentary champagne to celebrate!!

I had the pork chops....AMAZING!

I don't remember what Jeff had...but it was good!

Drinks please!!!

And dessert!! SO YUMMY!! Chocolate and peanut butter....heaven!

mango and cream cheese dumplings!

Yes...three...Jeff got these to go!

The atmosphere was beautiful.

He's pretty handsome...I think I'll keep him!

So happy to be celebrating 10 years!


This isn't a great picture of us, but we clean up pretty good!

It was the perfect way to celebrate!
Day three we slept in and then headed back to Islands of Adventures to ride Hulk because we didn't get it in the day before. It was pretty busy with school groups so we headed back over to Universal and rode a few things. Then we headed back to the hotel to clean up for our dinner and show!

Selfie by the waterfall!

Hulk car!

Ran into Spidey while doing some shopping!

Waiting for the water and light show to start! It was very cool! (more pics to come from the camera)

Another good night!

Saturday (our last day). We did a little shopping and walked around the parks then I got in some more pool time while Jeff napped.

It had rained and the pool was closed. I was one of the first people in and these ducks were just swimming around...hilarious!

The pool area


Happy girl!

The kid area.

the waterfall

Selfie at the luau
These pictures were all from my phone...I'll do another post with pictures from the camera.
I can't thank my parents and Trish enough for keeping the kids (& dealing with all the illness). I knew they were in good hands and never worried about that. (Just felt guilty for leaving such a mess).
It's been an interesting 10 years. We've had our share of ups and downs, but we feel truly blessed to have such a wonderful family and are looking forward to another amazing 10 years!!

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