Thursday, April 10, 2014

What we've been up to!

So I'm going to be lazy and make one post to catch up on everything we've been up to lately!

Lance had another tooth pulled. It was loose but the other tooth was coming in and the dentist didn't like the way it looked. He was VERY excited.

This is after his first Grand Slam.....he has since hit a SECOND Grand Slam!! He is such a good little player!

Just another night at the Wade house!

Just hanging out at ball practice!

200 points in AR!!! Way to go Lilly!!!

We had some visitors!! This is the only picture I took!! The kids had a great time visiting with Hadley. I think she enjoyed it too!

An afternoon walk!

I lost my mind for a minute and decided it would be a good idea to let both big kids have a sleepover on the same night. It had it's moments, but overall everyone had a good time!

The girls having fun!

They were all playing and Lindley ended up flat on her back. It was an accident and they really had been playing and being good. Just made a bad choice. She bounced right back and is fine.
Jeff has been working hard to get the landscaping back in shape. We cleaned it up when we moved in but haven't done much since. We don't have gutters so the rain basically washed all the mulch away. We went with rock this time and it looks MUCH better!!
Taking a break!

I forgot to get a's an "almost done"


Helping Daddy!

They really did help!

Hard at it!

So sweet!

Ok so I didn't get an after of this side or a before of the front...just use your imagination!

We trimmed the tree back, took out a couple scrubs and put edging down!

 So MUCH better!!!

I came outside and he was in just his shorts. I told him to get a shirt and shoes....this is how he comes back!! Such a MAN!

Someone likes to "tut". She would tear the paper into small pieces and then cut them. It was like confetti! So funny!

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