Saturday, August 31, 2013

A few random pics...

Our little Elton John. She was playing in these and when I put her in the chair they fell off. She made me pick them up and put them back on her. She ate her entire lunch like this!!

It's hard to tell but the kids are standing on the fence. They were talking to the neighbor. I was going to make them get down, but they were talking like little adults. It was so sweet about school and other things. I eventually suggested they go around front to visit!

Lilly's birthday invitations!! We are so excited!!

I finally found that picture of Lance!! Crazy how much they are alike!!

Came across little monkey when he jumped in the tub after he already had his bath and pj's on!! He was a monster from the start!

The kids playing in the water yesterday. Lilly and Madi were laying on the float with their feet in the buckets. So funny!

I think Lance has grown....
Tiff sent me a picture of Grace's duct tape headband and Lilly loved it and wanted to do it immediately. We had no plans today so I said what the heck. I told her to google it and find something she wanted to do. I was thinking a bracelet or ring...nope...she decides on a full size wallet.

This is Lance's he went for a smaller one. It wasn't too hard.

This is Lilly's.....full blown wallet with a place for change. We have to get some Velcro to hold it closed. It was fun, but Lilly's was tough. That will be the last time I tell her to "google it"

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