Saturday, August 31, 2013

A few random pics...

Our little Elton John. She was playing in these and when I put her in the chair they fell off. She made me pick them up and put them back on her. She ate her entire lunch like this!!

It's hard to tell but the kids are standing on the fence. They were talking to the neighbor. I was going to make them get down, but they were talking like little adults. It was so sweet about school and other things. I eventually suggested they go around front to visit!

Lilly's birthday invitations!! We are so excited!!

I finally found that picture of Lance!! Crazy how much they are alike!!

Came across little monkey when he jumped in the tub after he already had his bath and pj's on!! He was a monster from the start!

The kids playing in the water yesterday. Lilly and Madi were laying on the float with their feet in the buckets. So funny!

I think Lance has grown....
Tiff sent me a picture of Grace's duct tape headband and Lilly loved it and wanted to do it immediately. We had no plans today so I said what the heck. I told her to google it and find something she wanted to do. I was thinking a bracelet or ring...nope...she decides on a full size wallet.

This is Lance's he went for a smaller one. It wasn't too hard.

This is Lilly's.....full blown wallet with a place for change. We have to get some Velcro to hold it closed. It was fun, but Lilly's was tough. That will be the last time I tell her to "google it"


Lance has been on me for a haircut for awhile. I finally caved and took them this week.

Aren't they beautiful?? Lance's is a little shorter than I wanted, but he was very happy with it. Lilly's is a little shorter in the front, but long enough she can pull it back. We've almost got those darn bangs grown back out!!

No, she didn't get a haircut, but look how white it is!! It's really coming in, but it's just so light you can't see it!

Messin' around

Jeff had to work last weekend so the kids and I were solo. We ended up at the park, Lowe's and just hung around the house.
Pizza picnic at the park!!

What a handsome boy!! He is so rotten!

What a lap full!

This is what my furniture is used for these days!!

Putting the finishing touches on his plane!

Mammaw helped Lilly

Finished! This is one of the planes from the movie "Planes"


When school started I had this idea to put new hooks up for the kids backpacks and it snowballed into painting the laundry room. Once Jeff got that done he decided it was time to paint the kitchen!! We have been avoiding painting anything since it is such a large project. However, Jeff has been a champ and did the kitchen this last round off!

Now the kids come in hang their bags and put their shoes away! I want something over the hooks like a cork board/dry erase, but I haven't found the right size yet.

Much better!

The kitchen before

Almost done....

Lighting isn't but...but you get the idea...

The living is next. I think we are going a little lighter. All credit goes to Jeff. I am so happy with it!!

Wednesday, August 21, 2013

First day of school

Well Monday was the big day!! We had a very excited kindergartner and second grader!!

I made Lance's sign at the last minute and put the wrong teachers name. It should say Mrs. Robertson. They were pumped and ready to go!

Look how big they look walking in! It was no big deal...just said bye and out they went!

Yay!! They made it!! Happy, worn out kids.
They have both had great days! Excited when we pick them up. The rewards are really working for Lance! He wants to get "G" everyday so he can get to the treasure box. Lilly gets play money and then can use it to buy stuff! She is VERY excited and told me that it's something that 3rd and 4th graders do! So far so good!!
This is Lance at meet the teacher. I forgot to take one of Lilly and her teacher :-(
She has two boys around Lance and Lindley's age so I think it's a good fit!!

Here's to a great year!!!

This girl....

Lindley's personality is really starting to develop. It's so funny to see both Lilly and Lance in her.

She kept getting in the chairs and wasn't wanting to sit in her high chair. I've been debating pulling the booster out, but was in no hurry. I was hoping it would get her to eat better. Needless to say she LOVES it and climbs in it ALL THE TIME!

Just watching some cartoons while mommy works....(little Lance)

:-) How my mornings started until school started...

Crazy girl plays in the tub while I get ready....(little Lilly)

Swiping Lilly's snack after school!! (little Lilly)

Wearing Daddy's shoes and Lance's goggles. She actually walked around the house like this!! (could be either one!!)
She's a character!!

Epic fail

Last week we decided to go find a new park. It was on Lilly's bucket list. There's a park about 15 minutes away that we have been by but never gone to so I thought we would try it out. Harmless enough...right???

Checking it out....

fast slide!!

Having fun!

Being a good sissy

Ummm..rotten??? YES

And then....moments after I took all went down hill....

Lilly got STUNG!! Poor girl was so upset and immediately said she wanted to go home. I took her over to a swing they had. Luckily I had ice water so I put ice on it and she was doing better.

Lance was phased....and continued to play

such a boy....

I get them together to cool off and have a snack. This was the best smile Lilly could give me. She said "we are never coming back here". Then moments after I took this picture...Lindley fell off the swing. She was trying to get off and I think Lance "helped" her. Well her feet went back and she went face first. I think her cap actually kept her from smacking her head. We left immediately and went to get ice cream and then to Mom's for medicine for Lilly's leg. They were fine, but we were literally there maybe 15-20 about fail!! :-(

You can kinda see Lindley's chin was just scratched a little and her lip bled a little from her teeth hitting them. Clearly...she was traumatized!

NoNo and Aunt Lori visit!

I forgot to blog about NoNo and Aunt Lori's visit. The came a few weeks ago and we had a great visit!! We went to the beach a few times, Big Daddy's one night, Little Lagoon and the light show! It was FUN!!

They loved Little Lagoon. They found a ton of hermit crabs. Lilly and Lance wouldn't touch them and Lindley wouldn't leave them alone!!

NoNo and Lilly jumping!

Sandy face!!



I'm so glad that got to come hang out with us for a few days. We really enjoyed it!