Tuesday, January 1, 2013

Happy New Year!!

We had a quite day/evening at home. The kids had stayed the night with my mom the night before. (all three and it was a success!!) Anyway, they were worn out from getting up early and I wasn't feeling great so we were pretty laid back. We had taco soup and played a few games, but then just chilled and watched some football. Lance fell asleep about 8:30! He did wake up for the ball drop. We always do the 11 o'clock drop. Jeff had to work today so we all went to bed right after. I have no pictures cause I just wasn't feeling good. The kid and I spent their last day off just hanging around here. Not really ready to get back to things, but the kids are. They are getting bored.

We had a discussion at dinner about all the events of this year. We had a lot take place, new house, Lindley, preschool, first grader, trip to Indiana and more!! Everyone agreed that having Lindley was a high point and when Grandma left after her visit was a sad point :-(

We all said something we wanted to work on and things we thought would happen in this new year.  I think we are going to have another great, exciting year!!

Happy New Year!

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