Friday, November 30, 2012


Lilly got her mid-term progress report today.....WE COULDN'T BE PROUDER!!


Lance has been begging for a playdate and I finally got one setup with Micah (a friend from school). It turned into Micah and Aidan (long story). We had lunch had Chick-Fil-A and went to the park. Overall it went great and they seemed to have a good time.

3 little monkeys...

Such a handsome group of boys! Look out girls!!


Lindley found the baskey of pinecones the other day. She really wasn't sure what to think...

She eventually dumped the whole basket out. She's really started to get around and enjoy some freedom when we let her!


Read questions number two and Lilly's response.....
I said, "what does that mean? do you mean pecks?" Jeff said, "that's not a word". Lance says, "yes, pecker is a word"
OH LORD help us....we are in trouble!
We were cracking up!

Daphne Christmas Parade

Tonight was our first Christmas parade of this year. We have never gone to the Daphne parade, but a friend of mine has a store along the path so we had clean bathrooms and great seats!

They were a little excited!

Funny face...

Fun with friends!

Silly boy


Lindley had fun too!

Sweet girls


The big man himself was there!
Check out his loot!

So fun!!
We had a great time and get to do it all again next weekend! LOVE IT!

Saturday, November 24, 2012

Beautiful afternoon

This afternoon we headed to the park and they all had a big time!

Best I could get!

She loves to swing!

Swinging with her sister.

All boy!

So loved the slide too!

Priceless. She is such a natural beauty. I hope she always realizes that and keeps it simple.

Silly boy!

Heart breaker.....

So busy!

She turned around and posed for this one....we are in trouble
I'm such a lucky lady. They drive me crazy, but I'd be lost w/out them!

Wednesday, November 21, 2012

Happy Thanksgiving!

We celebrated Thanksgiving today because Jeff has to work tomorrow. Jeff cooked a wonderful dinner while the kids and I decorated.

Looking for the right spot.

Look how BIG she looks!!

They worked so hard.


Don't forget the back!

Look at that spread!

Yummy! I printed off food labels and place cards. Lilly cut them out and we put them in our food!

The kids set the table.

Lindley loved the Santas!

So happy!

on the move..

my whole world.....

Saturday, November 17, 2012

Funny girl

Well last night Lindley thought she was a funny girl! Lilly, Lance and I laughed at her which just made her think she was funnier!

So cute!

Thursday, November 15, 2012

Crazy girl!!

When we got home tonight Lance went to bed so the girls and I did some reading and relaxing in our bed. Well....Lilly and I did, Lindley had other plans!

She was a busy little girl!

Light Up Fairhope

Tonight was Light Up Fairhope. The kids and I had an early dinner then headed down.

Frosty was there! (He seems a bit skinny for a snowman doesn't he?)

Lindley started to cry when I put her in Mrs. Clause's lap, but calmed down when Lance got close. She was totally checking her out though. Santa could be interesting!

Mrs. Clause took a long time to talk to each kid. She was sweet!
We stopped for some hot chocolate and popcorn before heading up to the stage where the band was playing.
That was a mistake.....

The crowd was CRAZY!!! Last year we were right up front and had a great view. This is our view...needless to say the kids couldn't see anything. (Those are the dogmaid trail girls or something like that...I don't remember their names). Anyway, it was dark and I couldn't see to get the stroller through. The kids were mad they couldn't see and I couldn't go anywhere. It was a bit stressful for a few!

The lights came on and the snow came down!! SO FUN!!
We finally worked our way out of the mob and sit down to listen to the band while I fed Lindley. It was starting to get chilly so we headed back home. Lance fell asleep on the way home. We came in and he took his clothes off (his jammies) and went to bed! He was wore out!
It was fun, but we missed Jeff. :-(
(Lilly was there, but of course wouldn't get in the pictures)

Little Pilgrim Boy

Lance's Thanksgiving program was yesterday. He was so excited. He came in our room about 7:30 and said, "Today's my program!" He started getting dress shortly after.

Walking in like a big boy, even though his hat keeps falling down over his eyes! I couldn't help myself it was so funny.

The first Thanksgiving

Over the river and through the woods....

The prayer before the feast!!

He did such a good job! I love that he isn't timid and enjoys performing for everyone.

His poor hat, it was just too big.

There's he is! His buddy Aidan!

Look at those eyes, that face....lord we are in trouble!!
So proud at the little young boy he is turning out to be!