Friday, September 14, 2012

6 months

Lindley is officially 6 months old!! Wow it's going fast. Her check-up isn't for a couple weeks (I scheduled it w/Lilly's 7 year checkup). So I wanted to go ahead and mention what she is up to now cause it will probably be different by then. She LOVES to play. A very busy little lady. If you sit her up w/her boppy now she ends up on her belly because she reaches for the tag on the side. Very similar to Lance in that way. She's a very touchy, feely baby and likes to have her blankets. She sleeps...for the most part. It seems her clock is set at 4 am. I can't get her to stop waking up. Usually I can get her to go right back to sleep but sometimes I am up and down for an hour!! I won't feed her until at least 5:30 so I have to do whatever it takes to keep her quite. Usually she ends up in the swing :-)

She's excited about being such a big girl!!!


Yup...I'm pretty happy.

This is so exciting Mom!!

I need to take a break..
Nah...think I'll play some more!!

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