Sunday, September 30, 2012

Just hanging out...

She really doesn't need the boppy anymore, but it softens her fall. However, she tends to just roll all around now....she doesn't seem to mind.

She was just playing until she saw me.

So funny!!

Thursday, September 27, 2012


Today I took the kids to spend their gift cards from Grandma afterschool. When we got home their were two packages waiting. They were very excited!!

A new shirt from Taylor! She also got a new Chipmunk movie.

More Legos from Uncle Cam!

Lance got some too!!

Lance bought a Gator w/his gift card. It has lights and makes noise.

Lindley got a new outfit and socks w/her gift card.
Lilly got a pair of jeans, two dresses, two hair bows and some little debbie brownies. I forgot to get a picture though.


Lindley is enjoying carrots, squash and sweet potatoes much more than green beans and peas!

Still beautiful!
She loves to do raspberries....especially when she's eating. One night every bite I gave her was sprayed back at me!

Jeff is getting tired of hearing this....but not me!!!

Sunday, September 23, 2012

Happy 7th Birthday Lilly!!

Lilly had a ball game Saturday morning, before we left Jeff took the kids out to load them in the truck and I pulled Lilly's birthday present out so when we came home she would see it as soon as she opened the door!!

So shiny and PINK!!!

She jumped right on!

She looks so big :-(

The sun was in her face!
She was already moving much faster last night, which resulted in a pretty nice scrap on her knee. However, this morning she was still moving fast!

Reading her card from Grandma Trisha

Oh boy, shopping time!!! She also got her Precious Moment "7" figurine, but I didn't get a picture of it.
Lance and Lindley got a little something too!
We picked Lilly's friend Madison up around 11:30 and they played all afternoon. (Lance had a friend over too and it actually went well, but he was only there a few hours).

Lilly picked Rotolo's for her birthday dinner. They have games where they can win tickets and can get prizes. It's their new favorite restaurant!

After we picked up Madison we wen to pick out Lilly's cake. She isn't a big cake eater and doesn't really like icing (that's her daddy in her not me). So I suggested a cookie cake and she was so excited!!

Cutest 7-year-old girl EVER!!!!

Make a wish!!

This is the picture I got of the actually "sleep over". They were too busy to be bothered. Jeff set up the projector and we rented "The Lorax" for them to watch. After that they watched a some Clifford and then I told them it was time for bed. They didn't make a peep and were about within 15 minutes!

This morning they rode bikes, painted and played some more. They were really good and I think they had a great time. Lance went home with my parents last night which helped make the evening more calm and peaceful!

Tuesday, September 18, 2012

Lance's first tee ball game!!

Lance had his first tee ball game tonight! He did great!!
Getting ready to start!

First time batting in a game!!

Dusting off....he slid into first (actually fell, but hey he looked cool).


Made it home!!

Back in the out field!

Getting a litte bored...


made it to first again!!

Getting ready to go!

Team huddle

Go Braves!!!
I'm so proud of him. He has done so well. Never complained once and has given his best every time!!

Sunday, September 16, 2012

Big girl cup??

I got Lindley a sippy cup to start practicing with. She wasn't sure at first, but did pretty good. She puts it in her mouth, but mostly chews on it!

This looks fun!

She's thinking about it...
There she goes!

Not too bad!

and there she's chewing on it!!
I gave her carrots tonight which she likes MUCH better than the peas and green beans!
Also, I checked on her last night...this is probably why I have gotten woke up a few times with her stuck on her belly. Guess she's gonna be a belly sleeper.

Lilly's 7th birthday party!!

We had Lilly's birthday party today because we wanted to a Sunday and we couldn't get the location next week. Anyway, we did it at the frozen yogurt place. I told her if we did a small (meaning inexpensive) party she could have a friend spend the night. It was the best party ever! I brought drinks and everything else was done. We showed up 15 mins before, they had decorations and games and we were done in a little over an hour! I think she had a lot of fun!

Isn't this awesome?? So creative!!

We kinda took over the place and it was a bit chaotic for a few minutes till everyone got their yogurt!

Everyone in this pic (except the girl on the far right) was from her class last year. They were pretty tight. They are missing one little boy, but they were good friends.

This little man had a tough day. He did pretty good, but got really green a few times.

Little Miss Ava (Lance's friend Aidan's sister, we have become pretty close to them). She was hilarious. Got her yogurt w/her goodies and started eating before she got to her table. Had to go back and put more toppings on cause she ate them and she ate EVERY.LAST.BITE!! LOVE HER!!


Lilly and Natalie


Walker and Cullen (Walker is in LOVE with Lilly)

Holly and Lilly!!



He was dangerous!!

Just hanging w/her friends

The whole crew (minus Lance who was having one of those tough moments) and Ava who is there, but hidden (notice the yellow bow...that's her)!


a new purse!!


She had a really good day! I am so thankful that she has made friends and is doing so well. I am very proud of her!!!