Saturday, February 22, 2014

A crazy few weeks

The past three weeks have been a whirlwind of work, travel, kids activities and illness!! Due to the ice I had several trainings that I needed to reschedule. I was already scheduled to be out of town on the 13 & 14th and again 17th-19th so I had to squeeze them in before then. Add in there tumbling, play practice, cheer practice for Lilly and tee ball and basketball practice for Lance. MADNESS!! Also, I got stuck in Houston on Valentine's night and didn't get home until Saturday afternoon. Then on Monday morning Lindley got sick (I was due to leave that afternoon). Ran her to the doctor....luckily just a virus. I headed out of town leaving her with Jeff. Only to get texted Tuesday morning that Lance now has it!! Poor Jeff! I made it back to town on Wed afternoon and thankfully have a few quiet work weeks ahead. Lindley was better by Thursday. We thought Lance was and sent him to school, but then today he hasn't seemed like he is 100%. I have managed to snap a few pictures.
Lance's spaceship he made!!

This is her meow face (not duck face)!! They were playing animals and crawled up in my lap!

Getting some lovin' after one of my work trips.


She used some money Aunt Kackie sent her to buy this. She read in a few days and took an AR test on it!!

After getting a Baby-Sitter Club book from school she begged me to get mine down for her!!

Our late Valentine's dinner when I got back Saturday night. Waiting for Daddy to arrive from work.

My girl!

She was so pathetic Monday morning. She hadn't really eaten much for about four days, but we all thought she was being extra picky or working teeth. Turns out her throat hurt! Poor baby couldn't keep her eyes open!
These are out of order, but the next few are from Lance's tee ball practice....thanks to Lindley.


Still not feeling better....
Lilly got in the 150 point club for AR!!

Ready for school while staying with Mammaw while I was out of town and Daddy was working.

Happy Valentine's from Mommy and Daddy!!

Daddy took good care of them!

She tricked him and only drank the milk and didn't eat the cereal!!
Thank goodness things should slow least for work....

Monday, February 3, 2014

100th day of school!

Lance got to dress up for the 100th day of school. It was supposed to be last week, but with the ice got postponed. He has been so excited about it. He woke up at 5:30 asking if it was time to get ready!

Isn't he adorable! I took one of him hunched over, but it didn't turn out. I showed him how to talk like he didn't have teeth. He was walking around hunched over and talking like that. CRACKED ME UP!!


"Princess" Lindley

A couple nights ago Lilly & Lance started carrying Lindley around. They would announce her entrance into any room and take wherever she wanted to go. They really have no idea the monster they are creating!

At one point Lance went to do something else and Lilly was carrying her. She wasn't having that. She wanted them both carrying her. SO FUNNY!!!


So we ended up with some crazy cold weather last week. We got some ice and the kids missed schools three days!! Jeff had to work Tuesday morning till Friday morning so it was just me and the kids. Luckily we knew it was coming so I was able to prepare somewhat. I have to admit I actually really enjoyed the days off besides missing Jeff. We played, chilled and just enjoyed our time together.

We took a trip to the Dollar Store Monday night and grabbed a few things! Lindley coloring in her new Sophia coloring book!

Playing with his goo...

Showing me her sticker

Lance & I made cookies. He wanted peanut butter. Lilly wanted chocolate chip, but didn't want to make them. So I did! LOL

Hairstylin' time!


I didn't take them out on Tuesday. I honestly had no desire to go out. It was ice, not snow. However, they insisted!

Check out the trampoline!

Lance was missing his Daddy quite a bit. He ended up sleeping with me one night.

Silly girl!

Ice covered trash can!

Looks like snow!

She liked it, but didn't last long!

Trying to make ice balls!

He would take off running and slide on his belly! No sled needed!

Eating ice!

Lindley & I headed in for some hot chocolate.

Lance had a friend come over and they had a BLAST on the trampoline with the ice.

So Fun!

I was inside where it was nice and warm so this was the only good picture I got of all three of them! This is Brody, he is in Lance's class at school and lives in our neighborhood!
All in all it was a nice few days. The kids were bummed we didn't get actual snow and that I didn't take them sledding.


Lindley has started "reading" books! So cute!!


A Firestone opened up in Daphne and had a big grand opening. We went and checked it out and got to see Big Foot! They kids thought it was pretty cool!!

Happy Boy!

Creative minds!

The kids use a skateboard, car seat & jump rope to have some fun!!

Report Cards!

So I'm running good reason...just been lazy.

The kids did GREAT on their report cards this quarter! Lilly got all A's and Lance got all G's!!

So proud of them!!!