Thursday, September 26, 2013

Lilly's Spa Party!!

My first baby girl is 8!! It happened so fast!! We had a spa party with 6 of her friends and they had a great time!!

We had different areas setup: waiting area, refreshments, facials, mani and pedi!

Notice Lance's face?? He has a hard time with others birthday and this was especially tough cause he wasn't included. He did get to hang with Daddy though!

We got Lilly a double stroller. We weren't sure about it, but she has wanted one for awhile and it was actually big enough for her. She has about pushed the wheels of it!! Notice who was following in her footsteps?? It was precious!
I was a bit emotional about this birthday and put these together. The bottom right is her first birthday. Hard to believe she made me a Mommy 8 years ago!!

This is her 3rd-8th birthday! Look how she has grown! Such a little lady!


They weren't so sure (This is Molly)

Ms. Holly liked it!!

Grandma had to help Lilly out!!

Murphy kept saying it was cold!

Back massages and eye masks!

Look at those beautiful girls!! (left to right: Holly, Madison, Molly, Ellie Grace, Lilly, Haley and Murphy) An amazing group of girls! All so sweet and polite. We had a blast!

Happy Birthday to Lilly!!

Lindley enjoyed some cake!! (or icing)!

They got in a few minutes of jumping before the sprinkles came!

This is what 8 looks case you were wondering!

Funny face!!

Look at Lilly looking back to check on Lindley! Such a sweet sister!!

Notice the ears?? Someone got to change her earrings!! She got some hoops from Grandma and several different pairs from Pappaw and Julie. She also got a gift card to Claire's from Uncle Cam! She's going to have all kinds of earrings!!
I think she had a great day and it was a lot of fun!! She is turning into such a beautiful little lady! We are SO proud!!

18 Month Check-up!!

Can you believe it? Lindley is 18 months old!!! TIME IS FLYING!!!

She had a great check-up! She is gaining weight and growing like a weed! Doctor said everything looks good!!

Grandma visits

Grandma and I both forgot to get a good picture of her with the kids! We were too busy having fun!! (Well, she worked pretty hard around here so I'm not sure how much fun she had!) I did get this one though!

Just chilling one night before bed, playing on Grandma's kindle and telling stories!

We were headed out for ice cream one afternoon and the ice cream truck pulled in! Change of plans....Grandma bought us all ice cream!! Yummy!!

Catching up

Sorry it's been awhile! Grandma Trish was visiting and I was busy getting ready for Lilly's party and working. Here are some pictures from a few weeks ago!

Isn't she precious!

I love her hair!! She's so beautiful!

Another perfect check-up at the dentist!!

Saturday, September 7, 2013

Spidey boy

This is Lance new favorite hobby. Can you tell he has been watching American ninja warrior??

Little Ballerina

Lilly has never been into ballet. However, I think Lindley might just be my little ballerina!!

Lilly tumbling

Lilly is doing so well in tumbling. She has her backbend, front limber, kickover and back walkover! She starts on back handsprings this week! She's so excited!!

Living/Dining Paint

Well...he did it!! Jeff got all the living room and dining room painted!!

I don't have a good before, but you know what it looked like. The kids got to help a little!!

Doesn't it look like a new house?? I am SO happy with it!! We still have to hang pictures and curtains back up, but I love it!

LOVE!! He worked so hard. I really appreciate it. I just can't get over what a difference it makes!!

Lows, Bass Pero and Fowten

Last Sunday Lilly texted my mom that we were going to Lows, Bass Pero and the fowten. Priceless!! She asked me how to spell fountain and I wouldn't tell her. Anyway, we had a good day!!
They were cracking me up with their swim caps and goggles!

They were having activities at Bass Pro and the kids had a blast!