Monday, January 28, 2013


We surprised Grandma Trish and went to Indiana this weekend for her retirement party. She was VERY surprised and happy! We also surprised the kids. We picked Lilly up early from school on Friday and when she got in the car we told them. Lance kept saying "For real"?? It was so cute.

A few hours into the trip Lilly said, "this is best surprise ever"!! It was a short trip because we had to head back this morning, but we still had a nice time.

What a fun group of kids! They certainly keep us entertained.

Lilly was especially happy to see Taylor!!

Sunday, January 20, 2013

Beautiful day by the bay!

We took a bike/walk down by the bay today. It was beautiful! The kids had a blast and we got some fresh air and exercise! I can't get the pictures to upload right so they are really big.

They were seeing who could throw the farthest! Lance won!

Handsome fellow!

Beautiful girl


They got brave and ran away!

She was very excited about the water!

My world!

Wednesday, January 16, 2013

MIssing my babies....

I have been out of town since Monday afternoon. I fly home tomorrow evening. I am supposed to land at a decent time and told the kids if they were good they could stay up till I get home. They are calling for snow here tomorrow(Charlottesville, Virgina) . I am hoping it doesn't get bad till AFTER  I fly out. Fingerscrossed!!

I have talked them every afternoon and everyone seems to be doing well. It's much easier with Lilly and Lance because I can talk to them, but I only get sounds from Lindley :-(

I hope tomorrow goes fast!!

Friday, January 11, 2013

Cheer trophy

Lilly's cheer squad finally got to have their end of the year party and get their trophies. She was so excited!

So proud!!!

New bed

Lilly hasn't had a bed since we took the other bedroom suite from her. We promised her we would find her something that would be more functional for her. We have been looking at loft and bunk beds trying to find the right thing. I happened to check Craigslist the other day and found the perfect one! Luckily we were able to go get it Tuesday evening. Since Lilly has the BEST daddy ever he stayed up Wednesday (when he should have been sleeping) and put it together. Needless to say we have one HAPPY girl!!

I need to get a picture of the underneath!  She has been sleeping great and loves it!!

Monday, January 7, 2013

Roll Tide!!

We went to a co worker of Jeff's for the game. The kids were so excited!! The kids and i made it till half time. Hopefully tomorrow isn't too rough on anyone.

Saturday, January 5, 2013


Lilly got a code with her American girl doll to create a profile for her doll on this website InnerstarU. It's like a little world and the doll walks around and can play games, add friends and buy clothes etc. She is in love with it!! Very neat!

Imagination station

Look what Lance built with the imagination station from Grandma!

Who needs a walker??

Tuesday, January 1, 2013

Happy New Year!!

We had a quite day/evening at home. The kids had stayed the night with my mom the night before. (all three and it was a success!!) Anyway, they were worn out from getting up early and I wasn't feeling great so we were pretty laid back. We had taco soup and played a few games, but then just chilled and watched some football. Lance fell asleep about 8:30! He did wake up for the ball drop. We always do the 11 o'clock drop. Jeff had to work today so we all went to bed right after. I have no pictures cause I just wasn't feeling good. The kid and I spent their last day off just hanging around here. Not really ready to get back to things, but the kids are. They are getting bored.

We had a discussion at dinner about all the events of this year. We had a lot take place, new house, Lindley, preschool, first grader, trip to Indiana and more!! Everyone agreed that having Lindley was a high point and when Grandma left after her visit was a sad point :-(

We all said something we wanted to work on and things we thought would happen in this new year.  I think we are going to have another great, exciting year!!

Happy New Year!